Terror der widerlichen Würmer aus dem All (1984)

aka The Terror of the Disgusting Worms from Outer Space



Dreharbeiten: Hanna, Marc und Statistin Anke
Dreharbeiten: Hanna, Marc und Statistin Anke

Dreharbeiten im Klärwerk 1984

Ankündigung Los Angeles 1986
Ankündigung Los Angeles 1986


This tongue-in-cheek, West-German underground movue is an insane vision of death and destruction.

(Programmankündigung EZTV Los Angeles 1986)

Great tide, but it’s more or less downhill from there, in this German (or maxbe mock-German) punk sci-fi production. Worms turn everxone into George Romero extras, at the bidding of an alien in an Army-surplus radiation suit... Hmm, this is beginning to sound more amusing than I thought – but then punk-Apcalypse has never been my cup of java... In German, with subtitles that bear a slight familial resemblance to English.

(LA Reader 1986)

This is a pretty amusing German film. It's blessedly short, but it's pretty damn crazy with ridiculous special effects and an utterly ludicrous plot. The plot pretty much mirrors Disgusting Spaceworms Eat Everyone. I think Disgusting was intended to be a sequel to Terror, but the former was made here in the USA. I guess it may even qualify as a remake. In any case, it is pretty amusing for it's sheer bizarreness.

(Zombie Movie Data-Base)

Dieser absolute Schwachsinn ist sozusagen der Vorläufer zu ‚Disgusting Spaceworms Eat Everyone!’. Weder in Bezug auf die Effekte noch auf die Un-Schauspieler, die sich ebenso wie der Regisseur hinter Pseudonymen verstecken müssen, unterscheiden sich die beiden Würmer-Filme. Eklig ist es allemal, dafür aber auch komplett der Realität entrückt. Wer solche Art von Home-Made-Streifen mag, der schubst auch alte Omas von der Stange. Zu einer weiteren Kritik fehlen mir einfach die Worte.

(Frank Trebbin: Horrorfilmlexikon „Die Angst sitzt neben dir“ 1998)

Apocalyptic spraying blood and nudity with fun action sequences and lots of those pesky killer worms.  A bizarre nightmare of blood and violence shot tongue and cheek with punk rock soundtrack.


It’s like a damn marathon training video... this just sucks the big moose. There is no story, no fun, bad photography, and the soundtrack is mostly intensely irritating synthesizer noises. This was a tragic waste of time even for the filmmakers themselves, let alone any schmuck unfortunate enough to have to watch it. Ouch.

(The Bad Cinema Diary, 6th edition July 2009)